Motorcycle Rentals
As part of our service Two Wheel Touring NZ can organise motorcycle rentals for you utilising the following rental firms.
Auckland Motorbike Hire
Randal Brown
Tel **64-9-53414805
Cell. **64-21-02528309
Wild Freedom Motorcycle Rentals (Auckland)
Peter Aalbers
Cell. **64-21-980012
Moto Guzzi Hire
Dave Gale
Guzzi Gander Ltd. (For Moto Guzzi hire only)
Phone: +64 9 444 6612
Fax: +64 9 444 6623
City Motorcycle Rentals (Christchurch)
Andrea & Alan Ladbrooke
Phone: +64 3 365 3544
Fax: +64 3 365 3543
After hours 027 4876570